The investigation, prosecution and adjudication of the atrocity crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are among the most complex and difficult criminal casework tasks at both the international at national levels. The practical approaches, methodologies and strategies employed by investigators, prosecutors, lawyers and judges determine the effectiveness and efficiency of international criminal justice.
While much attention is focused on law and politics surrounding international criminal justice, the practical work is of critical importance to achieving justice. Whether due to lack of resources or other challenges faced by tribunals with jurisdiction over these crimes, the practical knowledge and experience of those who have successfully engaged in this complex work has not yet been systematically recorded, codified and disseminated in a useful manner.
The “Proven Practices of International Criminal Justice” initiative addresses this need. Through a combination of online roundtables, in-person conferences and commentary, the Proven Practices – from initial investigations to appellate hearings – will be made available on the ICJC web site for national and international practitioners to consult and use. This online resource, created by and for international criminal practitioners, will help the relatively new and still developing field of international criminal law become more effective and efficient.
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